The Diaper Stage

I saw the wave of relief on my sister-in-laws face when her daughter proudly ran into the living room in her “big girl undies” - no more diapers. Her relief was months in the making and several accidents long, the transition was hard but not as hard as with her son. The step from the diaper stage to the potty trained stage can be arduous and fodder for many discussions with parents. One of the best benefits of cloth diapers, they make the potty training process much easier.

Why? In cloth diapers the child understands what wetness feels like and is faster to make the connection between full bladder to wet diaper. Disposable diapers are design to keep the baby dry, to artificially make it seem that there is not wetness. This takes much longer to undo and requires, unfortunately, many potty training accidents.

Studies show that over 95% of babies in the 1950’s were potty trained by 18 months, now that number has dropped to only 10%. In the 1950’s almost all children wore cloth diapers, now only 1 in 10 children use cloth diapers.